Sunday, 31 January 2010

If you are interested in what you have read so far, you may be considering implementing the diet for yourself or your loved one. So, what can you expect to happen?

Well, understanding that when autistics (and a lot of non autistics too!) eat gluten or diary it stimulates the opiate receptors in the brain. Gluten (found naturally in wheat, oats, barley & rye) becomes Glutamorphine - a substance similar to herion, and Casein (animal milk) become Casomorphine - a substance similar to morphine. These substances induce a drug like state and the subsequent odd behaviours and charateristics. Those affected will have a high pain threshold, a general disinterest as they appear to be in a world of their own and so on - pretty much like anyone who experiences a drug hit.

Here are some interesting comments:

"Opiates hide inside caseine, the main diary protein. As casein molucules are digested, they break apart and release tiny opiate molocules, called casomorphines. One of these compounds has about one tenth the strength of morphine. The especially addicting power of cheese may be due to the fact that the process of cheese making removed water, lactose and whey proteins, so that casein is concentrated"

"The peptides from gluten and casein are important because they react with opiate receptors in the brain thus mimicking the effects of opiate drugs like herion and morphine" Dr Charles Parker

If you are in any doubt, science can back up this theory. We had our son's urine tested at a private hospital and the results showed high levels of morphine in his system. This information was enough for us to take the positive, healthy step of a pure diet and the results were incredible.

Our barely verbal son became talkative and interested in the world around him. His health improved vastly and the constant unexplained viruses, rashes, skin complaints and infections followed by heavy doses of antibiotics were no longer a part of our lives. His skin and the texture of his hair changed - it's common for autistics to have very coarse hair and a pale complexion with dark circles around the eyes. His tantrums and understanding improved, he is now a very easy going child with a good sense of humour and a lovely circle of friends. His apparent addiction to milk and subsequent comatoses/long sleeps at inappropriate times of the day stopped.

So, to answer the question 'What can you expect to happen?'

You will enjoy a healthy diet, a healthy body and a much healthier state of mind. Be warned that, as with any addiction, a small period of withdrawal may be experienced. This did not happen with our son but I do know of others who have experienced this.

Please read my next update in which I will give food suggestions and recipes and other tips.

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